Wednesday 27 April 2011

For Rosie.

This is a 'supportive-friend' post for my dear friend Rosie, the rest of you need not feel obliged to read it!

Dear Rosie,

I recieved your wonderful, wonderful letter this morning and was a little sad to read that you have given up on your running abilities and so I write to you here as I know the French post is a little sloooow and you may have given up before you recieve my next mailing from France. I will of course write in pen form also.

Rosie, my darling. I have complete faith in you. So much so, I have decided that if you enter this half marathon that you want to do, I will also enter and come home and do it with you. I am due for a visit anyway and October sounds good! So enter. And I will too. Because if I - the chocolate craving, pasta loving, carb-addicted eating machine that I am can do it, any one can.

And so, as promised I have started to do your training regime. I started this morning. Forgetting that I hadn't excercised in 3 months and instead I had sat around eating bread and cheese and consuming vino, I saw that you had got up to 3 miles and figured I could match it. Apparently not.
Stupidly I didn't consider that I live on the top of a hill and in 20 degree heat and off I set.....

Half way, I was near dying. Thankfully I had the wonderful compliation of Aerosmith, Shakira and The Bieber to get me through it.... Nope, not even Paris could make me 'cool'.....

Eventually, I gave up and walked the hill back up and came home and instead completed my 'Pilates for Dummies' DVD. Because if I can't run again just yet, I can at least 'strengthen my core'.

Rosie, we can do this.

I'll keep trying and keep you updated, on here and in our preferred contact method of snail mail.

And get Shannon involved, we do GREAT things when the three of us are together. Quite the role models.

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