Tuesday 26 April 2011

Cote d'Azur on a rainy day...

This weekend I had a visit from Maggie and Ashleigh.... And unfortunately, a visit from the rain too.
The girls had used the Easter Holiday as an excuse to have a bit of a travel around Italy and on the way back popped in to see me for a couple of days.

Their train arrived into Cannes so I met them there for a stroll along the promenade and then headed back home to get some dinner and an early night ready for a jammed packed Saturday.

6am Saturday morning, we were up and ready to go. A short drive to the train station and we jumped on a train to Monaco.

We walked around the marina looking at the fantastic yachts, wandered up to the castle to check out the views and strolled along the beautiful, narrow, winding streets along the rows and rows of coloured terrace homes.

We grabbed lunch in Moanco and then hopped on a train to Nice to meet Charlotte (another au pair from Paris), as luck would have it, all four of us happened to be in the South at the same time!

Nice was also beautiful. And all four of us being a sucker for a good view, trekked up a mountain with hundreds of stepsin torrential rain to visit the ancient chateau and see the breathtaking views of the entire bay.

Next stop, Antibes. We stopped for a walk but decided that the rain was too damn heavy so we sheltered in a cafe in one of the squares then headed home to the warm and dry!

Sunday, thankfully the sun shone and so a day of sun bathing, swimming and generally chilling out was had.

Although the weather was completely shocking, I had a great weekend and I hope the girls did too. It was wonderful to see them.... And I'll see them in a month when we all head to Disneyland for Maggies' birthday.

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