Monday 18 April 2011

And the Easter holidays begin....

Last Wednesday I finally rolled up at Cannes train station to meet my new host family.... And they are wonderful!
I am living in the countryside just 15 minutes away from Cannes. I am living in a beautiful house in the forest right next to the lake (I will take some photos of the house soon, I promise!). Here I am au pairing for three girls aged 10, 11 and 12, two horses, two dogs and two cats. And so far it's great!

I have been introduced to the whole family and attended a family BBQ on Friday evening and have been launched straight into family life! I have a separate living area which is superbly quiet, my own car to make exploring the area easy and a fantastic new host family! I think I'll be quite happy here!!

The Easter holidays began today and I was thrown right in at the deep end and I have the girls for the whole day, and today was a busy one!

The girls were up and ready to go at 8 am, so I made a picnic, we packed a rucksack and headed down to the lake....

The view from the path from the house to the lake. Lush.

More lovely views....
My girlies!

So off we set down to the lake, and of course the girls wanted to go straight in. Trying to stay on the side and watch was out of the question and so I too was dragged in. It was bloody freezing. But I managed.

After half an hour in the freezing cold water I was finally allowed out and we all settled down to a little picnic to dry off and warm up in the sunshine....

After reaching a group decision that the lake was a tad chilly we decided to trek back to the house and go in the heated pool at home!
And so we did. In a bid to make the girls eat fruit, we cracked the blender out and made some raspberry smoothies avec a sparkly straw. Glitter apparently makes fruit and veg more enjoyable and they were a huge success!

After an afternoon spent in the pool, we headed inside to get a little shade. The evening was spent being incredibly girly.... We baked cupcakes (with edible glitter.... goes without saying...), painted nails and braided hair.

It has been a busy, but really good day! It's so nice to have older children again who are self sufficent. The little darlings even helped to cook dinner!

Tomorrow, another fun filled day.... Tennis in the morning, followed by arts, crafts and more baking in the afternoon!

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