Thursday 7 April 2011

My final few days at Chez Ramin....

Tomorrow is my final day as an au pair for my three lovely little ones and it's all starting to get a little sad...
The dreaded Wednesday wasn't all that bad this week... Although little hellers awoke at 6am and being the sole semi-responsible adult in the house, up I got, bright and early. The girls were told it's too damn early get back into bed, but unfortunately that wasn't possible for dear old Yann.
The morning was spent baking chocolate chip muffins with sprinkles on the top and dancing around to Justin Bieber. Joyous.
My girls have a slightly unheathy obsession with Justin Bieber, which is referred to as 'Bieber Fever' in the house, and worldwide I believe. I am becoming quite the Bieber buff. ('Bieber Fever' said of course in an extremely French accent). Ashleigh's children also have the same problem - they just love the Bieb's. I had shown my girls a video that Ashleigh and her girls had made for dear Justin and immediately my girls wanted to make Ashleigh and her girls a video. So that is what we did.
Ashleigh.... here is a video for you from my girlies.
Tu as Bieber Fever Ashleigh?? We most certainly do.

In the afternoon I had to help Tiphaine get ready for her friend's Birthday party..... with a 'Princess' theme.
We spent half an hour going through the trauma of the most suitable outfit in a 6 year olds wardrobe for the 'Princess' theme. Yes, the choices were endless. Eventually we decided on a little pink dress and so I left her to change.
After 10 minutes I started to wonder where she was. And where was she? Sat in my room with the contents of my drawers everywhere looking for 'pink maquillage'. Not wanting to fight a war that I wouldn't win, we applied some pink blusher, some pink lipstick and a little squirt of perfume and we were ready to go. She did look like a little princess though....

With Wednesday over, today I have had a little more time to myself and so the packing has started. Two suitcases and a holdall later and I am good to go with just a few more things to add...
We had our last home dinner tonight (tomorrow we are all going for Indian as a farewell to moi) and dear Solene stood on her chair to make 'a declaration for Kerry' where she told me "you will forever stay in my heart". I'ld be lying if I said I didn't well up a little!
So tomorrow, the final day and then bright and early Saturday morning it's off to Gare de l'Est to catch a train to Zurich....

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