Friday 29 July 2011

Viva Espana!

Another delay in posting, only my excuse this time is that it took me this long to recover!

I have just returned from a fantastic ten days in Spain. I touched down at Barcelona aiport and make the trek with my overpacked rucksack to find Laura and together we headed down to Benicassim for the Festival Internactional de Benicassim.
AMAZINGLY, I had arranged to meet Katy there who I hadn't seen since our travel days in the states... a whole three years ago and so seeing her was just wonderful, especially as the day before she had just got engaged to the lovely Chris and so it was one huge dose of happiness.

Laura and I stayed with Kate and Chris. And their friends. And their friends of friends. And so we had a nice group of us, all of us on the same page. A definite bonus. The days were spent lounging in the beating sunshine on the beach and the nights with a 4 euro bottle of vodka and wonderful, wonderful music!

The festival itself was absolutely brilliant, there were the acts you were expecting to be amazing that were... The Strokes, The Arttic Monkeys... and the highlight, Arcade Fire and there were a few suprises... Plan B being the biggest suprise, he was incredible! Paolo Nutini was, as ever, insanely beautiful and just perfect!

All in all, the week there was so fantastic, despite the cold showers, a massive lack of sleep and having a permanent hangover I had the BEST time! I met some amazing people, saw some amazing music and just had an amazing week!

After Benicassim Laura and I said our emotional goodbyes, especially to Kate - three years was definitely too long, and the two of us headed back to Barcelona. Tired, hot and hungover we lugged our stuff to our hostel and managed to drag ourselves out to get some dinner and have a little wander... it didn't last long and before long we both need to crash.

After a good nights sleep, we awoke bright and early, grabbed our rather jam packed intinery and headed out to see the sights of the city.

The buildings, especially the Gaudi buildings were incredible, we spent the entire day with our map poached from Mcdonalds checking out the big sites... The Sagrada Familia, The Cathedral, The park full of Gaudi buildings... the lot!

It was a lovely few days in Barcelona, the views were spectacular, the weather was great and the food was fantastic!